Repair / Restoration for the Porsche 356B/C SWF Turn Signal Switch 1960 - 1965
Switch disassembled, cleaned, contacts burnished & polished, stalk/lever re-chromed, new springs, reassembled, adjusted, lubricated, wires and connectors replaced / re-soldered as needed, new wiring sheaths. Tests: Mechanical; action & function, Electrical; meg ohm to ground & load. My correct, new handle/knob is installed.
These switches are restored; cosmetically, mechanically and electrically. They under go continuous testing throughout the restoration process.
Replacement or fabrication of broken or missing internal parts , extra $ Payment upon completion
No exchanges at this time. Restoration your switch only
No reproduction switches accepted, they are not repairable
356 B/C 1960 thru 1965 912 and Early 911
356A 1956 through 1959
Pix of recent customers switches
Disconnect battery before working on any electrical under dash.
There are circuits that are live all of time.
If shorted to ground could fuse (weld to ground) and start electrical fire!
Some of these circuits are; B /C Turn-signal switch ( lower switch, hi-lo-flasher ), Horn, Light switch, Horn brush contact on steering column tube and Ignition switch.
Apply's to all 356 cars.
in Black Matte Stainless Steel
356 B/C Blinker switch
$9.00 set
Broken moveable contact carrier plate on left.
Good plate on right.
This is a expensive repair.
' Red Tip 'Blinker Switch(light in stalk)
Repair / Restoration for the Porsche 356 Pre-A SWF Blinker Switch
Pix of customers switch
The switch came to me because indicator light was not working, broken wire in stalk.
Click on any thumbnail to enlarge
Switch needed to be completely taken apart to effect repair. ( these switches were never meant to be serviced ) The action was very stiff, you can see dried up grease and dirt accumulation. Also note; in the lower contact the detent ball was loose. A new detent contact insulator was machined, new detent spring installed, broken wire replaced & all contacts burnished.
Cleaned, lubed & reassembled. Stalk and lens were buffed bright.
Switch was mechanically and electrically tested.
Pre-A Red Tip Blinker Switch Restoration
Here are pix of another Pre-A switch project.
This switch had many parts missing, when I received it.
A new, bulb base / contact assembly needed to be fabricated (assembly with pig tail). Ground contact for stalk was broken, a new contact was made. Again the detent contact spring was replaced and set in new insulating bushing. New dog point set screws for the switch were fabricated. It is waiting on a lens to complete project.
Click on any thumbnail to enlarge
Historical notes about SWF:
Throughout the Porsche 356 production era. SWF was a main OEM supplier of electrical components like; switches, blinker switches & lights, wiper motors, wiper gear boxes & wiper blade assemblies to Porsche.
Began operations in 1923 making specialty hand tools, by 1926 they were manufacturing automotive blinker indicators and switches, starting in 1927 automotive electrical windshield wipers and components were manufactured. In 1936 they were taken over by Gustave Rau, a private concern. By 1938 they were renamed SWF Spezialfabrik für Autozubehör Gustav Rau GmbH or Special Factory for Automotive Accessories Gustave Rau GmbH.
Post WWII SWF became part of the German economic miracle as a major OEM supplier for the German and European auto industry.
In the 1970's Gustave's son sold the company to international conglomerate ITT and it became SWF Auto-Electric GmbH, then in 1998 they sold to the giant, French manufacturing concern, Valéo SA. ( Ferodo, SWF, Paris-Rhône, Cibié, SEV-Marchal, to name a few brands ).
That's enough for now. " genug ist genug " Doug...
Lens buffed bright and reunited with blinker switch.
Your switch: cleaned & brightened, stalk replaced with new ( Polished Stainless Steel stalk ), new springs, mechanism lubricated & contacts burnished. Sheath replaced. Wires and bullet ends replaced as required. Tests: Mechanical; action & function, Electrical; meg ohm to ground & load.
Replacement of broken / missing internal parts extra $.
Questions? e-mail Doug
Many request forblinker switch wiring information. This should shed some light on wiring and switch / relay functions.
The problem with color coded diagrams is that while pretty, they may or may not reflect what is on the car.
Nor do they interpret internal connections of switches, relays, etc..
Although more tedious it is better work with a line drawing of the wiring.
Lower part of switch ( dimming/flashing) .
Color code for Wires on switch;
Wires under dash may be same or different.
Input; White w/Black tracer, #56 is from light switch on dash. Hot when dash light switch is turned on.
Input; Red #30 is from light switch. Hot all of time, traces back to fuse 2.
Output; Yellow #56b. To fuses 9/10 then to low beams.
Output; White w/Red tracer #30/56 (most are faded to pink). To light signal relay.
Brown wire goes to Horn contact.
Function of Low-beam / Hi-beam Lever:
Lever back, Low-beams; White w/Black tracer, #56 in. Goes out to Yellow #56b to fuses 9/10 then to Low beams.
Lever forward, High-beams; White w/Black tracer, #56 in. Goes out to White w/Red tracer #30/56 to signal relay then to fuses 11/12 then to High beams.
Lever pulled back hard, passing flasher; Red #30 in. Goes out to White w/Red tracer #30/56 to signal relay. Can flash Low or High beams depending on Light signal relay ( see below ).
Function of Light signal relay:
It's coil is controlled by light switch on dash.
When dash light switch is off, passing flasher. Flashes Low-beams
When dash light switch is on, passing flasher. Flashes High-beams.
Upper part of switch ( blinker lights ) .
Color code for Wires on switch; Wires under dash may be same or different.
This information also covers the 356' A Blinker switch
Input; Black w/White-Green tracer, #54 is from blinker relay.
Input; Black w/Purple tracer is from brake switch.
Output; Black w/Yellow tracer, to Left-rear blinker.
Output; Black w/White tracer, to Left-front blinker.
Output; Black w/Red tracer, to Right-rear blinker.
Output; Black w/Green tracer, to Right-front blinker.
This color code works for all 356' A/B/C switches.
Brown wire goes to Horn contact.
Passing flasher switch works (is powered ) even when dash light switch & ignition switch are off (power from Red #30 wire ).
Yellow wire #56b is output to Low beams.
Dimming/Flashing wires; marked 2.5mm on drawing. Equivalent 14 gage wire.
Turn-signal wires; marked 1.5mm on drawing. Equivalent 16 gage wire.
This information is provided to give you a good over-all idea of turn signal switch functions and help with wiring problems. It is by no means complete or detailed for any of the 356' models.
Blinker switch wiring help
Long Page
Lots of
Good Stuff!!
To send me your switch.
Shipping Address:
Doug Feistamel
1415 S Ardmore Ave
Unit 6316
Villa Park IL 60181-5842 USA
Repair / Restoration for Aston MartinLate-DB4, DB5 & DB6
Dip and Indicator Switch
With SWF switch PT # 23.37.224 ( paddle handle )
For this restoration service, pricing and lead time please contact Doug e-mail below
New Handle / Knob for the Porsche 356B/C SWF Turn Signal Switch
This information provided to dispel the mystery surrounding the Lighted Pre-A Blinker switch.
Wiring connections for non-original mechanical ( with heater element ) flasher relay
Indicative of currently available flasher relay
For replacement Paddle handle ( Late-DB4, DB5 & DB6 ) See Blinker switch handle above
Very early Porsche 356A SWF Turn Signal Switch ' First Generation ' ( T1)
Please take a look at switch below.
This is the early version of the SWF 356 A switch used from 1956 into 1957.
This seems to be SWF's first attempt at a self canceling switch ( as you know the 356 pre-A blinkers were non- self canceling ) . Although original to the 'A' cars. This switch was of very poor design and function. Internal wires fray and could short to ground, cancel arm mechanism not reliable.
Almost all were replaced (including my 56' A coupe) with the more robust and common ' Second Generation ' switch pictured above.
They are not repairable. I cannot restore them
If you have this early version switch. Do not send. Throw in junk box or sell on Ebay...
For switch restoration and shipping instructions, email Doug
For switch restoration and shipping instructions, email Doug
Replacement Lens for 356 Pre-A SWF blinker switch
Have had many request for the Pre-A blinker switch lens. Made a few of these for customers over the years.
If you need a lens ( broken, missing or just want to save your original ) this might be a solution.
This is not a cast reproduction.. It is a turned, threaded and polished durable acrylic replacement lens.
No longer available
Repair / Restoration for the Porsche 912 & Early 911 SWF Turn Signal Switch
356 A Blinker Switch Restoration
356 B/C Blinker Switch Restoration
912 & Early 911 Blinker Switch Restoration
Aston Martin
Dip & Indicator Switch Restoration
Scroll Down For These Topics
Shipping Address
Restored DB5 / DB6 switches ready to go back to customer in England
Note: Turn signal housing, mounting & wire color code is same for both First & Second generation switches
Switches are interchangeable
Two wire flasher relay could be used ( 'can' is the ground connection)
For bench test; To make flasher relay work. You will need at least one 6V 18-Watt bulb for load.
K is +6 V all of time, goes to flasher unit then back to fuse block, fuse #1.
If stalk bulb does not work on car. Apply 6V across K & +, if stalk bulb lights. You have other external issues.
I would use the 6 volt 1.2 watt instrument bulb. 900-631-002-90
The .6 watt maybe a bit too dim since we are pulling the ground thru the turn signal bulbs.
This is strictly old school dry-contact technology.
To make stalk bulb work
Here are two options:
Flasher relay can with internal heater and filament bulbs.
Solid-state flasher relay use filament bulbs in front ( left & right )
and LED bulbs in rear ( left & right )
Blinker switch mounting screws. TO MOUNT SWITCH TO HOUSING
The use of wrong screws for mounting the switch ( too long ). Can result in damaging the internal, movable contact carrier plate. See pix below.
The internet rumors of my demise are wildly exaggerated.....
Switches in Que and on bench every day
Hundreds of switches ( over 500 ) restored over the years and delivered to customers around the globe None returned....